I write this with tears dwelling up in my eyes as acceptance is a beautiful thing. 

Loving who I am and the lessons I have learnt from my past is almost like I was a different person back then. I say back then when that could be even only 6 months ago. Allowing myself the space and time to be in this emotion and accepting all that is, brings out raw emotions that I have buried deep down from years ago that I thought I had dealt with. 

Being present right here and now in all that I am, truly believing in myself, my creativity, my true essence of who I am is like saying “alignment is the new hustle.” Learning to trust how capable we are in who we are and allowing the world to see the individuals we truly are and not what we are expected to be. 

Most of my life I've been asked to do a lot and I would because I was more than capable. But here's where we can get stuck. 

Just because we are capable of doing so much, does that mean we should?

That terrible habit of saying yes to things when we really should have said no. How many times do we agree on things that make us feel like it pulls us further away from our core? 

The more we do things that are not in alignment for our greatest good takes us away from honouring ourselves. This has been a tough lesson for me to break but I am still learning that I have to do what feels right for me in order to serve my highest good.

Everyone will naturally say she can do it or she "should" do it because I have always just done exactly that. Well, it's time that I make those decisions for myself as we all should, because we all have that inner knowing what feels good for us to be in alignment and be accepted for exactly who we are without judgement. 

This doesn't take away from giving or helping others, it's what I love the most. Devoting time to myself, is what I am learning and to give myself just as much as I give to others. Time to create sacred space for me in order to ground myself deep within the earth of the here and now. I am learning to stay rooted with what I plant for myself for the amazing being that I AM! 

Who’s with me? 

This is always a good reminder to be grateful for all that surrounds us in life to allow ourselves to strip the layers away and show who we are. No need to be afraid because the ones who are meant to remain in our lives and by our sides will stay. I’ve always loved the saying “your vibe attracts you tribe” and I couldn’t agree more.


